Homepage 13 August 2016

HackDavis [Success]


Project Submission on Devpost

Our Project

web app that provides users with live feedback on presentational and communication skills during practice. The Software takes into account facial expressions, tone of voice, choice of words, and many other things during practice. My role in this project was to develop the backend server

Learning from past mistakes

This hackathon was scheduled about one month after attending LA Hacks at UCLA. If you read my previous post, our poorly thought out presentation costed us what I thought should have been a victory. I knew that our group’s educational product had a good shot at winning so we took the extra time to think out the presentation.

Our web app relied on the the computer’s camera and microphone. At this hackathon, there was no on-stage demonstration so I decided that a live demonstration would not be a bad idea. There was only one judging session where everyone had their own booth. Loud background noise was definitely a concern. However, one group member owned a pair of quality headphones that efficiently filtered background noise. Our group continually planned for potential bad scenarios and accounted for it.This lead to a very smooth presentation. We encouraged the judges to try the product first hand and along with discussing future possibilities, incorporating the technology in schools, feedback using wearables, etc, in which we were met with very positive feedback! In the end we won two Awards!

  1. IBM – Best Use of IBM Watson Technology
  2. MLH – Best Beginner Hack

Learning from my previous mistakes was a big help. As a developer, this project really pushed my skills. It was the fLearning from my previous mistakes was a big help. As a developer, this project really pushed my skills. It was the first time I developed a server solo; implemented in JAVA. My communication skills also improved! I was the main spokesman for the project and many Judges noted the soft skills. I believe that my past experiences such as being on-stage at LaHacks has built up my confidence. I firmly believed in the success of our project and the Judges sensed that. Building the product is one thing, but the process of communicating it to others is just as important.